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Yeshiva 2023
Contrasting The Elijah and Messiah Restorations
Yeshivah 2022
Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen?
Canaan Christian Church
2021 Feast of Tabernacles
Congratulations to Rabbi Justin Elwell for obtaining your Second Doctorate and to Barbara Garrett for getting Ordained. We thank all our presenters and the family of RFFWC for doing a fantastic job in hosting this event.
Anyone wanting to obtain notes please call:
(423)-479-4249 the cost is 30.00 which includes all sessions of Yeshiva which you can follow on Facebook.
2019 Feast of Tabernacles
We thank all our presenters and the family of RFFWC for doing a fantastic job in hosting this event.
Anyone wanting to obtain notes please call (423)-479-4249
Congratulations to the September 2019, TPI Puebla Mexico Graduation Students. This was the largest graduating class (70 students in total) we have had by far. In attendance from the U.S.A. were Dr. John Looper and Dr. Jeff Hamm
Medical Missions 2019
We had New Jersey, Tennessee, North Carolina and of course Mexico come together and work very hard. This was not just a medical team but it blossomed into four work teams. We had not only our doctors and nurses but we also had a hair stylist, a makeup artist and laborers doing repairs where needed. The team saw over five hundred people during this trip. We want to thank all our team members for giving of their time, monies and hard work each day. We could not have done it without the support of those who helped fund this mission, not only financially, but also with prayers.
2018 Tabernacles
Theme: "Keys of the Kingdom & New Testament Community was a great success. We thank all our presenters and the family of RFFWC for doing a fantastic job in hosting this event.
Anyone wanting to obtain notes please call (423)-479-4249
Puebla Mexico 2018
Our graduation ceremony of 50 students at TPI Mexico’s campus in Puebla Mexico, March 6-11th of 2018 was a great success. In attendance from the U.S.A. were Dr. John Looper, Raymond Mc Donald, Edwin Felicie and from Peru Vladimir Lazarte We thank all who helped in allowing this event to occur.
Peru Missions 2017
Our Missions to Peru was from August 1st-11th and was a great success. Our first half of the trip started out in Pastor Pedro's church in Barranca. We had about 25 students for Beginners Hebrew. The second half of the trip was held at Pastor Adolfo's church, Inglesia Emanuel Biblico, in Lima, We had about 75 students in attendance. We could not have done it without the support of those who helped fund this mission, not only financially, but also with prayers. We also had a great team consisting of Pastor Edwin Felicie, Pastor Jose Santiago, Juanita Felicie and Translator Achilles Valdez
2017 RFI/CFR/TPI Mexico Haredim Conference and TPI Mexico Annual Graduation
Shalom! I'm delighted to report to you that the Mexico Timothy Bible College, home campus in Puebla, and the TPI satellite schools in Mexico are thriving and expanding annually.
The MTBC Spring Graduation Exercises were expressive, with 47 distinguished graduates.
I extended to them your congratulations and thanksgiving for completing the initial eight quarters and your encouragement for them to continue their formal studies and become a student for life.
There will be another MTBC Annual Graduation in August, 2017 with an estimated 50 additional graduates.
RFI New York Shavuot Conference 2017
Our RFI New York Shavuot Conference was a great success. We thank all who attended and participated in this event. We also thank Rabbi Justin Elwell and all who labored in the hard work in putting this event together.